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Monday, July 4, 2011

Page 22

Spermatozoon and Free Will

A young woman in a blue dress jack-knifes
from a car, slams the door. Her heels clack clack
on slate, to an entrance

which is lit by a bulb within a cast-iron cage.
That door opens and shuts. The porch light goes out.
The car pulls away, neighbouring
frontal, parietal,
and reproductive systems spying.

Painted faces surround the boards, voices hoarse
in pursuit of their desires. A gale force wind of team
colours. The red light flashes behind a net. A horn

ends the season. The losing crowd breaks win-
dows. Loots stores. Sets a police car on fire. They say in
court they don't understand their behaviour
–charges stayed against hippocampus
amygdala and other limbic lurkers

Professor Hobson lectures on choice and free will, apparently
unaware of the signs of a recent
Shiraz lunch on his blue shirt.

Students scribble feverishly. One asks if Heidigger
will be
on the exam. Hobson bows his head,
occipital, temporal, corpus callosum, urinary
and digestive elements in conflict.

Elsewhere, in a great sanctuary, stained glass sun illuminates
the preacher as he reiterates the miseries of Job,
a test of faith. Downstairs

in Sunday School,
a small child joins in verse, "if God so loves
the little birds, I know He loves me too,"
midbrain, pons, medulla,
frontal, parietal, lymphatic, respiratory,
circulatory, cerebellum, immune, endocrine, and
musculoskeletal actors fallen
into temporary harmony.

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